The Sunday Social, Week 123

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

It’s Sunday! I’m in Dallas for the weekend, and yesterday I watched my bff and fabulous cohost Neely marry the love of her life! It was a wonderful day, and I’m grateful I got to be a part of their special day! Love you Neely!


Today is the day! It’s our very last Sunday Social. I’m a little sad to see it end, but I’m excited for our new Sunday linkup to debut in November! Y’all will love it!

Today, we are revisiting the very first Sunday Social questions. Introduce your blog!

1. How did you come up with your blog name?
My blog name actually came from a post that Neely did on her own blog called “Neely Lately”, where she shared a bunch of random pictures and thoughts about what was going on in her life. I actually copied the post and did my own “Ashley Lately” posts for quite awhile! When it came time for a new name, Ashley Lately just really fit me and my blog very well. I love it!

2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Hands down my favorite thing about blogging is the friendships I’ve made! I’ve met some amazing girls that I would’ve never met if we didn’t blog! So many people wonder how online friendships can be real, but I have seen how you can meet some of your best friends through your blog. For example, I was maid of honor yesterday in Neely’s wedding! That’s proof right there that blog friendships are real!

3. What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now can’t live without?
Oh my goodness, SO many things! Twitter, Instagram, The Vintage Pearl, just to name a few!

4. Facebook or Twitter? Why?
I’m a big fan of the Twit. It’s short, quick, to the point, and so much fun!

5. If one celeb read your blog, who would you want it to be?
Oprah :)

6. What is something you want people to know about your blog?
I want people to know that my blog is me! The person you read about here is the same person you’d meet in person. I’m not trying to be someone I’m not. What you see is what you get!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Thanks again for a wonderful two and a half years! Your support of Sunday Social has been wonderful, and we are truly grateful! Be sure to watch for our new linkup coming in November!

Happy Sunday, y’all!

The Sunday Social, Week 122

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

Before we get started, it is with heavy hearts that we announce that next week will be our final Sunday Social. It’s been a fabulous two and a half years of getting social with y’all, and we can’t thank you enough for linking up. But don’t worry, we will have a brand new Sunday linkup coming your way in November! It’s a lot of fun and different, and we know y’all will love it! Please link up with us next week where we revisit the questions from our very FIRST Sunday Social! Thank you again for linking up with us every week. We love you!

1. What is your favorite month and why?
I don’t know that I really have a favorite month! February is good because it’s my birthday, but it’s always cold and I don’t do cold very well. I like the summer months though! June and July are always pretty good :)

2. What is your favorite holiday and why?
I think Thanksgiving is probably my favorite. My family always has a huge get-together during Thanksgiving! Since I have to work Black Friday, I haven’t been home for Thanksgiving in a couple of years, but hopefully sometime soon I’ll make it home for it!

3. Are you getting the new iPhone, or are you more of an Android person?
I got the new iPhone a couple of weeks ago! It’s gold and it’s beautiful! I had the 4S before, so it’s been a big change size-wise, but so far I’m really happy with it! The picture quality is just amazing

4. What is the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received from someone?
I don’t know! I feel like I’ve received a lot of really thoughtful gifts!

5. What is something you can’t wait to splurge on?
Honestly, I really don’t have an answer to this one either! I just splurged on the new iPhone, so I think that’s going to have to hold me over for awhile!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Next week’s questions

These are the original questions from the very first Sunday Social! We thought we should end the same way we started! We’d like for everyone to take one more opportunity to introduce yourself and your blog!

1. How did you come up with your blog name?
2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
3. What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now can’t live without?
4. Facebook or Twitter? Why?
5. If one celeb read your blog, who would you want it to be?
6. What is something you want people to know about your blog?

Happy Sunday!

The Sunday Social, Week 121

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Today I’m going to church, and then I’m working at a table for The Vintage Pearl at a bridal fair for the afternoon!

1. What is your favorite magazine to read?
People Magazine is my absolute favorite! I love some good celeb gossip :) I also like Glamour.

2. What is the best thing you’ve seen online lately?
Two of OU’s football players visit Children’s Hospital in OKC every month, and they talk to the kids and play music! There’s a great video of them singing and playing guitar, and it’s so sweet! You should check it out here.

3. What is your favorite celebrity to follow on Instagram or Twitter?
I love following Jon Acuff on Instagram and Twitter both! He posts a lot of motivational, inspirational stuff, but he also posts some hilarious pictures!

4. Is there one article of clothing no matter what the season you can’t help but love?
Cardigans! I’m cold-natured, so even in the summer I wear them. I know, I’m a weirdo :)

5. Do you prefer email or snail mail?
I like both! I think it is so much fun to get stuff in my mailbox, but email is a great, quick way to talk to someone.

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Next week’s questions

1. What is your favorite month and why?
2. What is your favorite holiday and why?
3. Are you getting the new iPhone, or are you more of an Android person?
4. What is the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received from someone?
5. What is something you can’t wait to splurge on?

Have a great Sunday!

The Sunday Social, Week 120

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

Today’s Sunday Social questions are all about fall!

1. What is your favorite part of fall?
Fall isn’t exactly my favorite. I don’t like colder weather, but I do love that football comes back and it’s socially acceptable for me to drink peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks!

2. Do you have anything special planned for fall?
Neely’s wedding! She gets married in three weeks!
ash & neely

3. What is fall like in your area?
Fall in Oklahoma is all about the state fair and football!

4. What is your favorite football team to cheer for (college or professional)?
I am a huge fan of football! My favorite teams are OU Sooners and Dallas Cowboys!

5. Do you decorate for fall? Show us pics!
I don’t decorate for fall. Work picks up during the fall, and there’s just no time. I love cute fall decorations though!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Next week’s questions

1. What is your favorite magazine to read?
2. What is the best thing you’ve seen online lately?
3. What is your favorite celebrity to follow on Instagram or Twitter?
4. Is there one article of clothing no matter what the season you can’t help but love?
5. Do you prefer email or snail mail?

Have a great Sunday!

The Sunday Social, Week 118

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

I’ve been super sick this week and haven’t been able to get anything written for this post, BUT I’d still love for you to link up with us!

This week’s questions are all about 5s!

1. 5 things you want us to know about you
2. 5 favorite things about blogging
3. 5 things you are doing before the year is over
4. 5 favorite fall fashion staples
5. 5 favorite beauty products

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Next week’s questions

1. Favorite scent
2. Favorite food
3. Favorite sound
4. Favorite picture currently on your phone
5. Best memory of the year so far

Have a great Sunday!

The Sunday Social, Week 117

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I’m spending the weekend home with my family for the first time since May! Thankful for a couple of days off work!

1. What is one thing you hate doing?
Getting out of bed. It’s my least favorite things EVER.

2. What is one thing you hate shopping for?
Groceries. I wish someone could do my grocery shopping for me, or I wish Target would deliver :)

3. What is one thing you love doing?
When I have free time, I like binge-watching TV shows on Netflix or Hulu! Right now, I’m rewatching Grey’s Anatomy and 7th Heaven!

4. What is one place you love going?
I love going to Target, except for groceries :)

5. What is your favorite thing to do that you do daily?
My favorite thing is when I finally get to go back to bed. I love my sleep!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Next week’s questions

1. 5 things you want us to know about you
2. 5 favorite things about blogging
3. 5 things you are doing before the year is over
4. 5 favorite fall fashion staples
5. 5 favorite beauty products
Have a great holiday weekend!

The Sunday Social, Week 116

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

Today’s questions are a random mix of fun!

1. What are you most looking forward to about fall?
Neely’s wedding! There are only a few weeks left, and I can’t wait to be with her when she marries the love of her life! It’s going to be such a wonderful time, and I can’t wait!
ash & neely

2. What is your favorite sports team?
I have a few :) I love the OU Sooners, Dallas Cowboys, and OKC Thunder!

3. If you could go back to college, is there one thing you would change?
I don’t think so. College was such a great time in my life that I don’t think there’s anything I would do differently. I had great classes, great teachers, and I made some great friends!
College Pics

4. What was your favorite class you ever took? HS or college.
My college major was child development, so I had a lot of fun classes! My favorite was called “play, curriculum, and program development”. Basically it was about how children learn through play. Over the course of the semester, we had to each create our own curriculum unit that was SO MUCH FUN. Also, every day our teacher read us a fun kids’ book, and one day we went outside and played games :)

5. Reach into your purse. What is the first thing you grab?
A pen. I have about 27 pens in the bottom of my purse. Haha!

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Next week’s questions

1. What is one thing you hate doing?
2. What is one thing you hate shopping for?
3. What is one thing you love doing?
4. What is one place you love going?
5. What is your favorite thing to do that you do daily?

Have a fabulous Sunday!

The Sunday Social, Week 115

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!
I’m in Dallas this weekend for Neely’s bridal shower! We had a wonderful day celebrating their upcoming wedding! It was so much fun!
1. What is one item you wish you could splurge on right now?
I would really love another Louis Vuitton bag! I have a small one, but I would love a bigger bag. They are sooooo pretty!
2. If you had an entire weekend of no plans what would you do?
It’s so rare that it happens that I would probably lay around my apartment watching Netflix. Keeping it real :)
3. What is the next place you are visiting outside of your current city?
Dallas in October for Neely’s wedding! It’s so soon!
4. Are you a neat freak or a clutterbug?
I’m a clutterbug. I really don’t like cleaning. Like at all…
5. What is your favorite summer purchase?
I got a really cute kimono top from Hazel and Olive that I just LOVE! It’s hard not to wear it every day because I love it so much!
Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me
Next week’s questions
1. What are you most looking forward to about Fall?
2. What is your favorite sports team?
3. If you could go back to college is there one thing you would change?
4. What was your favorite class you ever took? HS or College

5. Reach into your purse what is the first thing you grab?

Have a great Sunday!

The Sunday Social, Week 114

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!

Today’s questions are all about tv, songs, and movies!

1. One show you would love to see on Netflix that isn’t there?
Boy Meets World for sure! For years I’ve wanted to go back and watch the whole thing over from the beginning, and binge-watching it on Netflix sounds like a perfect way to spend a lazy Saturday, doesn’t it?

2. One song you wish they would play more on the radio?
I actually don’t listen to the radio very often, but when I do, I never hear enough Garth Brooks music!

3. Your favorite song to sing loudly in the car?
Oh my goodness, there’s so many. Right now, it would definitely be “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea, because I’m so fancy. You already know :)

4. What movie/tv show do you quote the most?
TV show: Grey’s Anatomy. No joke, I quote it almost every day. Movie: Mean Girls or Miss Congeniality.

5. One silly thing you do daily
Oh dear, there’s so many :) I get a route 44 ice water from Sonic every single day. Yes, I could just get water out of the tap at home, but Sonic ice is basically one of the greatest things ever, and even if I’m not having a Dr. Pepper, I have to have the ice. It’s kind of a problem…

Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!

Next week’s questions

1. What is one item you wish you could splurge on right now
2. If you had an entire weekend of no plans what would you do?
3. What is the next place you are visiting outside of your current city?
4. Are you a neat freak or a clutterbug?
5. What is your favorite summer purchase?
Have a great day!

The Sunday Social, Week 113

Social Sunday

Hey y’all!
Today’s questions are some fun either/or questions!
1. Gum or mints?
I’m more of a mint person. I like gum too, but mints are better :)
2. Tea or Coffee?
Neither. I’ll go with Dr. Pepper!
3. Fruits or Veggies?
Fruits for sure! Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes…so so good!
4. TV or Movies?
I like both a lot, but I definitely watch a lot more tv than movies. Now with Netflix and Hulu, I have a lot more options for tv!
5. Candles or Diffusers?
Candles! My momma has a candle business called Okie Scents, and I love burning her yummy candles!
Your turn! Answer the questions, grab our button, and link up with Neely and me!
Next week’s questions
1. One Show you would love to see on netflix that isn’t there
2. One song you wish they would play more on the radio
3. Your favorite song to sing loudly to in the car
4. What Movie/TV show do you quote the most?
5. One silly thing you do daily
Have a great Sunday!