A Little Update…

Hey y’all!

Wow, it sure has been awhile!

I’ve been missing this little blog, so I thought it was time for a little update. So much has happened since I last blogged in August (insane!), so I thought I’d share a little bit of what’s been happening around here lately :)

Our story starts waaaaay back in September!

My amazing friends adopted TWO new Littles! They are incredible kiddos, and I love them so much! They have been such blessings to my life, and I’m thrilled they are going to be a part of the family forever!


In October, I traveled to New York City for the first time! Hopefully one of these days I’ll get around to blogging about my trip!3-nyc

I got to go home for Thanksgiving AND Christmas for the first time in a few years! It was great to spend so much time with my family.


I spent New Year’s Eve with Ashton and Kendall!


A new Little BOY was born! He is the sweetest, chunkiest little fella, and I adore him!


I celebrated one year with Child Care Licensing! My goodness, I love this little family. I’m so blessed to be able to spend my days with these wonderful girls, and they have blessed me more than they will ever know.6-1 year

I turned 31!


Ashton and I celebrated my birthday by going to the ballet!


My brother got engaged to the sweetest girl! We are so thrilled to be welcoming Mariah into our family, and I know they are going to have a beautiful life together.


Mom and Dad came to visit last weekend, and we went to see Lion King!

10-lion king

It’s been a crazy few months! Lots of family time, friend time, and Little time, lots of work, and lots of fun! I have a lot of things on my mind that I want to write about, and hopefully over the next few weeks I can share a little more here. We’ll see what happens :)

Oh, I can’t forget about this little guy! My sidekick has been with me through it all!


Have a great Tuesday, y’all! Hope to talk to you soon!


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