On February 17th, the day after I started my new job, I turned 30!
It doesn’t seem possible that I’ve been here for thirty years. I definitely don’t feel thirty, and if I’m being honest, I was not looking forward to hitting that milestone. But, I’m trying to be grateful for the years that I’ve been blessed with and focus on making thirty a great year!
I had a really great couple of weeks celebrating! I had lots of visitors and lots of fun!
The day before the big day, I started by new job! It was definitely the best birthday present :) On my birthday, we had cupcakes at work to celebrate, and then Colby, Joyce, Wade, the Littles, and I went to dinner after work! It was a fun night!
On Friday that week, Mom and Dad came up, and we went to the OKC Thunder game! It was so much fun to get to have a night out with just the fam. Plus, it’s always fun to get to watch my favorite boys play in person :) Mom and Dad had never been to a Thunder game, and we had a great night!! Little did we know it would be the last time we’d see Kevin Durant play wearing a Thunder jersey, but we won’t get into that tonight…
Sadly, the Thunder lost, but it was still a wonderful night!
On Saturday afternoon, we met Joyce, Wade, the Littles, and my grandparents for lunch before Mom and Dad had to head back home. They hadn’t met any of the Littles yet, so it was fun for them to get to spend some time with these babies that we love so much.
Saturday night, Ashton, Cathy, and I went to dinner to celebrate! We had THE most bizarre waiter at dinner, so we basically spent the entire night laughing, which was so good for all of us!
I am beyond grateful to call these girls my friends!
The celebration continued the next weekend! Neely came to town to celebrate with me! We spent Friday night in our hotel room eating pizza and watching Fuller House, because #adulting. I mean, what better way to celebrate than by watching the reboot of your favorite childhood show?
On Saturday, Caitrin came to play, so we had a fun day of shopping! I hadn’t seen Caitrin since Neely’s wedding, so it was wonderful to get to catch up and a perfect end to a wonderful weekend!
We stay at a hotel every time Neely comes because she’s highly allergic to the cat. We’ve stayed in a certain hotel near my apartment and had great luck with it. Until this trip.
Before she left Dallas, Neely bought some amazing cookies for us to enjoy over the weekend. We had one before bed on Friday night, and after a long day of shopping on Saturday, we were very excited about having more treats before bed. When we opened the box, we realized that a cookie was missing. We knew exactly how many we started with, and we knew exactly how many we’d eaten on Friday, so we knew something was not right. Someone had taken a cookie, and that was SO not ok. Our room bad been cleaned while we were gone, so we knew it had to have been a cleaning lady. Because we didn’t know what else had been messed with, we sadly threw the cookies away. But seriously, who does that?
These first six months of my thirties definitely has been full of challenges, but it’s also been six months of new experiences and lots of fun! I am hopeful that it is just the start to a great new decade!

It was so fun! Next year there will be a baby!!! Maybe…