Hey y’all!
I’m excited to be linking up again with the ladies of Five on Friday again! It’s been awhile :)
Today is the day, y’all. Today will be a dream come true for me. Today, I finally get to go to a Garth Brooks concert! Seriously, I’ve been waiting for this for basically 25 years!
Colby and I are meeting Momma and Daddy in Tulsa for the concert. I’m excited for us to have some family time for a bit while we’re enjoying some great country music!
I’m kind of obsessed with Kelly Clarkson’s new song “Heartbeat Song”! It’s been waaaaay too long since we’ve had new music from her, and this song is lots of fun! Have you heard it yet?
Tuesday was Ashton’s birthday, so a few of us went out to dinner to celebrate! We tried a great new restaurant and ended the night with cheesecake!
I just finished my second week of physical therapy, and my therapist is already starting to see some improvement in my neck! We spent a good chunk of our last appointment talking about The Bachelor :) He said his wife makes him watch with her, but I think he secretly enjoys it :) Are you watching this season? I’m kind of liking Britt and Megan, but it may be too soon to tell. Who are you liking so far?
How has your week been? Do you have any fun weekend plans?

Have a great time at Garth! Totally jealous! I’m still waiting for him to come to Texas. I have a feeling he’ll do that show after I move back to MN & he already did his MN show.
Oh I would love to see Garth! Sounds so fun! I’ve been pulling for Britt since they met. They looked like it was love at first sight! It was the craziest thing I’ve seen!
I’m so jealous. I keep waiting for him to announce a Texas date so I can go!